Tuesday, January 15, 2019

How to Find Inspiration in Nature

The majority of us would confess to finding a sundown rather moving and possibly inspirational. Few people can walk past a purple and magnificently red sky without stopping to take an appearance and probably publish an image to Instagram. The very same can be stated of star-filled skies and crashing waves.

But what is it about nature that we discover so inspirational and so gorgeous? How does it help us find our true calling? Why are artists, poets, and artists drawn to these scenes? And how can you utilize this to encourage more creativity in your own life?

Why We Find Nature Beautiful

It's an error to state that we find nature stunning in specific. We can simply as quickly experience a sense of awe looking at man-made things. Try climbing up to the top of a high building and looking out over the skyline of a city, and see how you feel. Many of us would reveal a sense of awe looking at the pyramids.

We feel awe, respect, and wonder when we see things that we discover tough to fathom which we can't rather take in at one time. Things incredibly intricate, incredibly beautiful, or incredibly vast all develop a sense of being small in a university loaded with incredible possibilities. Research shows that this is a universal feeling, even shared by some animals, which it appears to be beneficial for any species as an entire as it encourages selflessness and community. Scientists frequently call these moments 'peak experiences'.

Where the Inspiration Comes In

So why does this result in inspiration?

The key thing to recognize is that peak experiences involve novelty and scale. They illuminate lots of areas of our brain as we have a hard time to understand the whole of what we're seeing. This lighting up of the brain leads to great deals of ideas, memories, and ideas flowing all at as soon as and this is frequently said to be the best condition for concepts to emerge.

At the same time, beautiful scenes and majestic sights activate the release of neurotransmitters that make us feel relaxed and enlivened at the exact same time. Once again, this puts us in a state that contributes to imagination and psychological experimentation.

How to Harness Peak Experiences

So how do you harness these peak experiences to set off more innovation and imagination in your life? Can this peak experience held us to do what we love?

One method to do this is to subject yourself to more beauty. Go on walks, travel the world, even just spend some time on Google images! Another is to attempt and appreciate the majesty in even your tiniest moments. When you see a flower bloom for the very first time, or when you see a swarm of bees, stop to consider all that it represents and of the elaborate beauty therein. The biggest poets are those who can see inspiration in all they survey.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Piano Lessons - Buying Your First Piano

I have taken an interest in leaning to play piano.  Starting with an online course, Piano For All, I have started to think about buying a new piano.

Musical instruments are a incredible release from everyday pressure. I've been playing guitar for several years and it is my daily retreat.  Musical instruments provide a pressure outlet for adults and children. Now that I am considering learning, and buying a piano, there are a couple of key points I've learned to consider before making the purchase.

Pianos are costly and quite cumbersome to move around.  Purchasing an improper piano is not a mistake you can easily correct. Most people opt for upright pianos due to their compact size and simple simplicity. A smaller upright piano might be moved and adjusted inside the house, plus most are transported in the back of a pickup truck if needed.  Although if you get serious about playing you will find it best to employ piano movers.

It is assumed that if you are buying a piano that you have at least tinkled on the keys a bit, despite the fact that you aren't quite the proficient piano player.  Pianos tend to have a surprising number of features and trying them out prior to paying is a good idea. I want a piano with a stronger touch, as it enhances to the tone I like to play in. Those who like to play softer classical music and popish ballads tend to like  a piano with a softer tone.

Spinnet upright pianos are what I found to be a mid-range instrument for the beginner piano player. They offer a high quality tone for little cash. Their smaller size makes an easy decision for people without loads of space for something such as a baby grand.  Don't be fooled, the small size doesn't compromise on sound.

One of the recommendations I found in a review of the Piano For All course, is that often new piano players consider buying an electronic keyboard as opposed to a piano. While it is perfectly doable to learn the fundamentals of piano playing on a keyboard, don't be fooled into thinking it is an identical substitute. 

There are distinct differences. excluding the loss of the pedals on the piano.  There is also a loss of complete and full sound that the piano offers.  A keyboard just cannot match that tone. In the world of musical instruments, there are piano players and there are keyboardists. While there are exceptions, most piano players don't enjoy the keyboard.

Purchasing a piano is a commitment. If you have never played a piano before, you should try out several models and types before committing. You are likely to find that you like the keyboard better if this is what you have been practicing on. While the keyboard could be slightly less costly, you should focus on paying for the instrument you want to play.

You can read my review of the Piano For All course HERE >> www.thebestpianolessons.com

Wednesday, November 30, 2016

Live Demo of Michael Hyatt's LifeScore Assessment

Michael Hyatt has created a proprietary application that scores the 10 domains of your life.  I took it recently and was impressed with the results.

You read a series of statements that describe specific situations and pick the one that most closely aligns with where you perceive yourself to be. Then you refine a bit based on your unique situation.

The LifeScore assessment is easy, only took me about 10 minutes.

More info at http://www.richardyadon.com/michael-hyatt-lifescore-demo/

Tuesday, November 29, 2016

My Year End Goal Setting Process Part 1

Lean more and watch the full video about my year end goal setting process at http://www.richardyadon.com/how-to-use-the-8-strategies-from-michael-hyatt/

Strategies To Start The New Year

This is the time of year when we start planning for the next.  It is an important step if you want to see a better year than the one before.  How do you start planning?

I've always taken a very structured and process driven approach to setting my goals and aspirations for the coming year.  It is not enough to just wish something would happen, it requires a plan and a method to execute the plan.  Big accomplishments don't just happen.  They have to be engineered.  If you don't take the time to plan for it now, they next year will slip by before you realize it is gone.

This year I am incorporating some of Michael Hyatt's 8 strategies of super achievers.  He put together an eBook of the answers from 30+ super-achievers to this question...

"What do you do at the beginning of the year to ensure you have a banner new year?"